Reebok Treadmills help you
achieve your exercise Goals

Reebok treadmills have features that will help you achieve your weight loss and fitness goals. Price range is about $700-2000.

The Reebok V 8.90 treadmill is a good weight loss machine. It features the iFit workout card technology and a compatible music port for an iPod. It has a large 20" x 55" running treadbelt, 14 built in workouts, special cushioning and a dual grip heart rate monitor. Price is about $1300.

The Competitor RT 8.0 treadmill features a powerful motor and adjustable cushioning. The machine is compatible with the iFit technology, which delivers smarter workouts and faster results.

Other features include 34 built in workouts, an extra long 20" x 60" treadbelt, convenient speed and incline controls, a dual grip heart rate monitor and a compatible music port for an iPod. Price is about $1300-2000.

The CrossWalk RT 5.0 treadmill features a space saver design and special cushioning. Price is about $800-1300.

Other features include:
1. Dual grip heart rate monitor
2. Compatible iFit technology
3. Upper body workout arms
4. 15 workout apps
5. Compatible music port for an iPod

The R 6.90 treadmill allows you to set your workout's time, minimum and maximum speed. With a compatible music port for an iPod and the built in music system, you can enjoy your favorite music.

The machine features the iFit workout card technology, which helps you lose weight and get fit. Other features include 6 weight loss workouts, 6 trainer workouts, a powerful 2.25 HP motor and a dual grip heart rate monitor. Price is about $700-1000.

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